Poligoni is a student association in Aalto University for people interested in geoinformatics.
Most of our members are studying geoinformation technology (GIS), cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing or geodesy.
Our main goals are to promote our field to new students and to connect students and organizations. Exchange students are welcome to join our events.
We organize excursions to companies, sauna evenings and other events related to our field. There will be events also in English! We have also an annual autumn seminar of a hot topic.
How to join
If you want to join to our association, please fill the form.
Membership fee is 5 euros per year with instructions given below. The first autumn is free for new members!
Payment instructions:
Transaction receiver: Poligoni ry
Sum: 5 €
Payment reciever account no: FI57 1309 3000 1114 76
Reference number: 5555
The members can join to our mailing list to get information about our events and opening job positions.
Current board 2023
Lucas Magnusson (Chairman)
Juho Koskenpää (Treasurer)
Juho Antikainen (Secretary and vice chairman)
Juri Louhio (Publicist)
Eino Waldèn (Event Manager)
Aino Schulz (Business Relations and excursion coordinator)
Elizabeth Rancken (Social media responsible)
Minna Rantakokko (Website responsible)